A Process Designed to Help Students
Express Their Best Selves!
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"Few subjects are as challenging to teach as the art of the personal essay. It requires a teacher that not only understands the fundamentals of advance writing techniques, such as structure, story development and sentence craft, but also how to draw writers out so they tap into their deepest and most authentic emotional selves.
After teaching nonfiction writing at the college and graduate level for 25 years, I can say with complete confidence that Kate Callahan is one of the most naturally gifted writing teachers I’ve had the good fortune to work with. Her work as a song writer and professional musician have given her creative thinking and personal skills that have proven vital to her ability to connect with high school students anxious about crafting an essay for their college applications.
At Central Connecticut State University, she sought out the most difficult writing courses, and even crafted her own major in Creative Nonfiction, to complement her natural skills as a teacher with the most advanced pedagogy in the art of teaching writing.
Absolutely no one in the market of teaching the art of the college essay—and that includes professionals working through online services—can exceed the unique combination of intelligence, creativity, personal skills and integrity that Kate Callahan brings to her work."
- Mary Collins
Associate Professor, Creative Writing/Nonfiction
Director, Center for Teaching and Faculty Development
Winner of the CCSU Teaching Award 2010
Central Connecticut State University
"Take a moment and pause your life. Close your eyes. Consider the people that you have encountered over the years. Reflect on those unique individuals that have touched you; nurtured you; positively influenced you; supported and guided you; befriended you; encouraged and challenged you; and finally, truly inspired you. Let those images settle. Now open your eyes and meet Kate Callahan.
Kate embodies creativity. Through her lyrics, guitar and music, she touches people in myriad ways. For more than a decade, Kate has worked directly with students and helped them explore, discover and connect with their inner, creative voice. She gently guides students through the writing process with a keen eye on developing personal style.
The college essay can be a daunting task. Where do you find time to write the essay while trying to balance all of the demands on your time? How do you distinguish yourself from thousands of other students all competing for the same college acceptance? Kate Callahan is the answer. A skilled writer, Kate has mastered the craft of writing creative non-fiction. If you are open to exploring who you truly are, then Kate Callahan is the person to guide you on that journey."
- Patrick Gustafson
Assistant Principal
Coginchaug High School